Ray of Hope

This happens to be one of my favourite shots, i know it isn't that fine, still it holds some emotional attachment to me. Recent times i have been reading all this non-fictional books, and many books have inspired me. I do believe books are the best investment one makes, its a life long friend to us. And from all my pessimistic attitude, i believe i've changed a lot through these books. Now i have changed the way i used to think, more towards a optimistic approach towards life, and i also do firmly believe that 'whatever happens, happens for the best'. One book which changed my thoughts ways the GAME OF LIFE , i just loved reading it. It was a page turner in my life and i refer this books to all people i come across. It always helps us to keep the hope floating in life, and never to waste time worrying, cause most of the time it never happens and we just waste a lot of time.
"The world is a book.Every step we take opens up a new page for us"
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