Colorful Temples

I just love the atmosphere in the Kerala templea. This picture is of the famous Attukal Temple, which is just a few Km's aways from my house. I just love the architecture of this temple, for the temple is so colorful with the idols depicting the mythology of Kannaki. The fragrant smell of the sandlewood paste surrounds the temple. Its the Pongala, for which this temple is know world wide and no wonder trivandrum celebrates it more grander than the keralian festival onam. The excitement of pongala reflects during the one week of the festival, for the last few years that i have stayed in this place, i cherished the different memories during the pongala.

Yesterday the new 7 wonders of the world were declared. I voted for Machu picchu, Angkor Wat, Taj, Chirst of redeemer, Statues of easter island, Stonehenge & the Pyramids. Why Angkor Wat didn't make it to the list i wonder. Well, the Taj and Great wall of China would surely make it cause most of the people in these two places use the internet and ofcourse, they lead in population too. So a majority of votes would come from this corner of the world. But i really miss the incredible Angkor Wat among the new wonder. Alas! Even Lara Croft couldn't help it.


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